In space, Dracula

Horror film sequels are always popular, and most horror film fans are searching for the next terrifying experience. But what happens when the villains of horror films go to space? Here are five horror film villains that traveled to outer space. Some were successful, but others did not fare as well.

The Leprechaun

The weakest entry in the Leprechaun horror film series is Leprechaun 4: In Space. The fact that it is set in space is precisely what makes it so mind-numbingly fantastic. A fantastic illustration of how to take a completely ludicrous idea and make it into something really "unique" is in the movie Leprechaun 4. You'll laugh out loud at the movie's realistic effects, inventive killing techniques, and hilarious Leprechaun lines. Leprechaun 4: In Space is a must-watch if you like Leprechaun films or horror films in general.


The series' prequel and continuation is titled Hellraiser: Bloodline. the years 1700, 1990, and 2200. I didn't had high hopes for the fourth episode since I mostly watch it for Pinhead and the Cenobites. There's something cold, scary, and diabolical about Doug Bradley. Who cares if it's difficult to grasp and makes no sense? Even if you've seen Hellraiser, you should see Bloodline since Pinhead's moments are so horrifying. This book should be read by everyone who liked Hellraiser or other Clive Barker works. It's an interesting journey even without any reasoning.


The intergalactic setting of Critters 4 drew me in. How could they top the previous Critters flicks, really? The cast list wasn't to my taste. Brad Dourif Astrid Bergman Anders Hove, an actor from Denmark? It didn't seem to be feasible.

And my fears were confirmed when I finally saw Critters 4. The story was bad, the characters were bad, and it was just a rip-off of other franchises set in a terrible location. What really hurts from a fan perspective is that the very things that made the previous entries unique and entertaining are either completely stripped out or just not present at all. Critters 4 is a complete mess and a huge disappointment.


Dracula 3000 is an almost unwatchable awful horror movie. Dracula 3000 irritates me. Even though it's terrible throughout, the finale left (Dracula in space) me dissatisfied. "Dracula in Space" was so horrible it was dreadful, not excellent. Fun notion, but terrible performance and language. If you want a bad day, watch it.

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Jason Voorhees

The most notorious sequel to a horror film where the bad guy travels to space is Jason X. The person, the myth, the legend is Jason Voorhees. The method through which he entered space is irrelevant. Nobody questions why he is in space. The fact that Jason is in space and prepared to cause mayhem is all that counts.

I think Jason X is entertaining to watch for the transformation of Jason into Uber Jason as well as the Easter eggs and throwbacks to prior Friday the 13th flicks.

While not everyone will like this film, horror movie aficionados who enjoy gory, cheesy slasher movies should definitely check it out.


Horror sequels are a MESS. Some sequels, like Leprechaun 4: In Space, transform a laughable idea. Some, like Dracula 3000, are unwatchable. If you like horror movies, check out these space sequels. Who knows, you could uncover a new horror favorite.

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